Tank Flipping

After getting the platform for the new water tank finished before we went on holiday, we arranged delivery of our new water tank for the Monday after we arrived back in New Zealand. There was a certain irony that the day dawned wet and rainy, but we were pleased to hear from the delivery person that they were on their way. Despite our best laid plans, when the tank finally rolled off of the lorry it was of course, upside down and spun 180 degrees from where we needed it.

After having spent a couple of days considering the best way to flip the new tank, we set out bright and early the following Saturday morningĀ  to start the process. After a bit of maneuvering we were able to flip the tank, but still needed to turn it so that the access hole was in the right place.

The tank seemed to have a life of its own and didn’t seem to follow any kind of logic as we tried to move it around. But eventually we were able to twist the tank just enough so that the access hole lined up with the up slope side of the hill for easy access.

Of course, the next step was getting everything plumbed in before the next rainstorm. The hardest part of this process was climbing into the tank to secure the outlet pipe; the opening for this tank is a slightly different design to the other tank making it a much tighter squeeze; at least that is what I am telling myself (it can’t possibly be related to all the delicious French bread and cheese I ate on my holiday)!

We were able to get everything hooked up and now just have to wait for the next big rainstorm to hit, fingers crossed we have a wet spring!