Vegetable Garden

With spring well and truly on the way down here, we figured it was time to come up with a bit of a plan for the garden. Although we aren’t really sure what we are going to do with all of the land yet, we wanted to at least build a small vegetable box to get us started with some home-grown veggies this year.

I don’t have before photos of the area we selected, mostly because it is somewhere down there in the bushes on the left hand side of the photo above! When we cleared out some of the trees last autumn, we found the remains of some old landscaping terracing and decided to use that for the start of our garden box.

After clearing out some of the volunteer plants in the area, and being pleasantly surprised to find lots of lovely freesias, we were ready to start building the box. Eric was able to make quick work of the construction by resorting to using the chain saw to cut the timbers to size. As we continue to try to tame the bush around the property, I think the chainsaw will continue to be Eric’s favourite toy.

With the bed finished I set about climbing to the top of the hill to retrieve some of the soil that we had discarded when digging the platform for our new water tank. After careening down the hill with several wheelbarrows full of dirt, I had the box full and ready for planting.

After trying to grow things in the dry Colorado climate, I am hoping that gardening will be a little easier here. I am also keeping my fingers crossed that the cute family of rabbits that I watch out of the window in the mornings whilst I am eating my toast don’t figure out there is a tasty meal of kale to be had just the other side of the fence!